WEST ALLIS - Eleven new Eagle Scouts spread their wings last year, and all of them from the same Boy Scout Troop 580 of Mount Hope Lutheran Church, 8633 W. Becher St., in West Allis.
Eleven in one year is a record for the troop that in all its 75 years has launched 82 Eagle Scouts into the world.
"One year we had seven, but we never had 11," said proud Scoutmaster David Loosen. The folks at the Three Harbors Council that oversees Boy Scouting in Milwaukee, Racine and Kenosha counties never heard of one troop having so many Eagle Scouts, said Walter Smith, director of field service. However, they would have to check 100 years or so of records to see if 11 is an actual record, he said.
Loosen offered many reasons for how that came about, with some of the main ones being making it fun, having supportive adults to be chaperones and to do a million other things to support the troop and coaching and encouraging the boys.
"That's a constant," Loosen said of the coaching and encouraging.
It better be fun
Making it fun is the fun part. Every year, the troop gets together to decide what they want to do. They debate and then they all vote. One time it was staying overnight in the World War II submarine docked at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum in Manitowoc. Other times, it has been zip lining at the Wisconsin Dells and whitewater rafting. Last year, the older scouts went to Great Smoky Mountain National Park. The year before they visited Acadia National Park in Maine. The Scouts also have been to Disneyland and Walt Disney World.
There have to be activities for all ages, but some are only for the older Scouts. Looking forward to when they get to do those things, too, keeps younger Scouts interested, Loosen said.
This July, the Scouts will travel to where the movie "Field of Dreams" was filmed in Iowa, and will explore a cave accessible only by water. July also will bring a trip to Ohio to visit The Wilds large animal park and where the boys will zip line over some of the animals.
"It's something to experience that's really unique," Loosen said.
"We look for challenging activities that capture the imagination," he said.
Better people
The idea is to make Scouting fun, and at the same time weave the Scouting ideals embodied in the Scout Oath and in the 12 points of Scout law into everything the boys do, Loosen said.
The Scout Oath is three-fold -- duty to God and country, duty to others and duty to self. Then there are the 12 points to the Scout law: "A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent."
"When they strive to live up to the 12 points, they not only become better people but we become a better society," Loosen said.
That happens regardless of whether a Scout achieves the Eagle rank or leaves the program early.
"Any amount of time, they still gain something of the ideals that define the program," Loosen said.
He himself is an Eagle Scout. Loosen said he received so much from the program that as soon as he could, he actually worked for the Boy Scouts of America. He retired a half dozen years ago as the director of support services for the Milwaukee Council.
Start age 11
The young eagles started when they were only 11, looking down a long, long road toward the Eagle rank. And they had to get there before they were 18.
Eagle Scouts have to earn 21 badges, including 13 of the hardest that are required. Those are three citizenship badges, one for citizenship in the community, another for citizenship in the nation and the third for citizenship in the world. Others are communication, physical fitness, personal management (budgeting, financial literacy and the like), environmental science or sustainability, emergency preparedness or lifesaving, choice of the swimming, hiking or cycling badge, camping, cooking and finally the family\-life badge. For the rest of the 21, Scouts can choose from more than 100 optional badges.
On top of that, Troop 580 expects Scouts to serve in leadership roles in addition to planning and executing an Eagle project.
See no end
Jack Wanner, now 17 and one of the 11 new Eagle Scouts, remembers that long road and how it was tough sometimes to keep going.
"I wanted to stop only a few times, just because when you are in mid-ground, you don't see the end," said the Nathan Hale High School student.
So, what kept him going month after month, year after year?
"I wanted to prove to myself I could finish this," he said. Wanner freely acknowledged that when he was young, he was "kind of troublesome."
"Becoming an Eagle would prove that I'm maturing as a human being," he said.
Profound impact
Unlike some of his fellow Eagle Scouts, he is the first in his family to achieve Scouting's highest rank. As he worked toward it, Scouting was having a profound impact on his life, the young man said.
"It taught the basics of being a gentleman. It teaches you how to grow up and to take life by the horns," he said.
Wanner's Eagle Scout project was restoring the monarch butterfly trail on the Milwaukee County Grounds in Wauwatosa.
"Everyone was doing building for the community, but without a good eco system, you can't have a good community," he said.
The project involved organizing volunteers and planning finally last August a lot of hard work clearing an area. Then they planted the kind of plants that monarchs like, mostly milkweed, he said.
Warm heart
Fellow Eagle Scout Chase L'Amie, now 18 and a freshman at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, leaves behind nearly 80 warm beds for dogs at the Wisconsin Humane Society to curl up and sleep on. That was the dog-lover's Eagle project.
"We drove to the shelter and were looking around and it clicked when I heard employees saying there was a need. So I asked," he said. Finding an enthusiastic response from the shelter, L'Amie was soon on his way to Goodwill in search of good blanket material and to fabric stores to ask for donations. He and his volunteers tied two pieces of fabric together to create the doggie beds.
"I've seen some of my beds with dogs lying down on them," L'Amie said. "It helps me sleep at night when they can sleep at night."
Even though he comes from a long line of Eage Scouts — his father and his grandfather both are Eagle Scouts — L'Amie said he wanted it for himself, to know that he could do it.
Step by step
"And everything you learn along the way could give opportunity in the future and the skills will help me succeed later on throughout my entire life," he said. Time management, learning to listen to everybody's ideas and even basic first-aid knots are among the skills he feels Scouting gave to him. But there are so many others, "I could go on and on," he said.
The hardest part wasn't any particular badge or project, it was the amount of things you have to achieve before you are 18, he said.
"But you take it step by step and rank by rank, it helps you put things into perspective. You go goal by goal instead of looking at the whole thing. Then it's do-able."
He's a Prinz
West Allis Central High School student Aaron Prinz roared through the Eagle Scout program, earning the honor by the time he was 15.
"All the badges were fun to work on and complete," said Aaron who added, "I'm thankful for all the people who helped me along the way."
"I thought I could do it if I worked hard enough," he said, "And seeing others earning it," inspired him.
His Eagle project was establishing a Little Lending Library at Mount Hope Lutheran Church and holding a book drive to fill it. The drive was so successful that filled up not only the Mount Hope Little Lending Library, but about 40 more similar libraries.
Aaron said he picked that project to improve literacy and to share his love of reading. With an elementary school and West Allis Central both nearby, children and high school students alike will be more likely to read if they have access to books anytime, he said.
6.8 tons of stone
A massive and more muscular Eagle project was chosen by Eagle Scout Charlie Dennert,17, a Waukesha North High School student. His was wrangling two full pallets of sand and 6.8 tons of stone into a circular path through a garden at his church, St. William Catholic Church in Waukesha. It was hard work for the 20 Scouts and other volunteers and was a challenge for their leader.
When the whole project is on your shoulders, "It's not an easy thing," the young Eagle Scout said. Not only that, leadership means encouraging a good attitude while volunteers spend hours at hard labor, he said.
What did he do? "You just have to communicate the significance of the project," Dennert said.
And, indeed, parishioners have remarked at how much more welcoming the church entrance is, he said.
"That means a lot to me," he said.
Much more
Also on the honor roll of 2017 Eagle Scouts from Troop 580 are:
- Devin Meritz, who built planter boxes for an elementary school in West Allis
- Luke Crotteau, who rebuilt a horse shed and set fence posts for a riding stable that works with special needs youth
- Mitchell Price, who helped redo one of the displays at the West Allis Historical Society
- Alec Mickelson, who scrapped and repainted picnic tables at LaFollette Park
- Noah Swirth, who scrapped and repainted the metal hand railings at McCarty Park
- Tyler Stepp, who redid one of the rooms at Mount Hope by repainting it and putting up shelving
- Christopher Selfors, who did a food drive to benefit the Mount Hope Pantry that provides food to the families of homeless students in the West Allis-West Milwaukee School District